C-FAM Launches Global Show of Support for the Holy See at the UN

Statement of Austin Ruse

WASHINGTON DC, January 17(C-FAM) Today C-FAM announces a renewed campaign to show support for the Holy See at the UN.

Why is this necessary?

Just this past week a UN human rights committee in Geneva grilled Holy See representatives about how the Vatican should answer for sexual abuse all over the world. Enemies of the Church egged the committee on.

A few months ago the group calling itself “Catholics” for Choice launched a global campaign to have the Holy See thrown out of the General Assembly.

At least one UN delegate is often heard disparaging the Holy See and wondering how it is they are actually in governmental negotiations.

From time to time it becomes necessary for everyday people to show their support for the Holy See at the UN. That time has come again.

What happens if the Holy See is kicked out of the General Assembly, something our enemies have not a chance of achieving?

The Holy See is the conscience of the UN. It is the only delegation that does not have political considerations in how they negotiate. They negotiate purely from first principles.

The Holy See cannot be pressured by agencies like the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) that regularly threatens delegates with getting fired for not being sufficiently pro-abortion and that also threatens countries with losing funding.

The Holy See cannot be pressured by donor countries in Europe that threaten poor countries with losing funding for not being pro-abortion, or pro-gender, or pro-gay.

What this means is the Holy See is a constant defender of life, faith and family at the UN. Governments look to the Holy See for leadership on these issues. In fact, if for any reason the Holy See is silent on an issue, others governments may not speak.

This is why “Catholics” for Choice and other wicked groups want to either push the Holy See out of the General Assembly, or to cow them into silence. Silence is as good as being gone.

That is why we are calling all individuals and organizations of good will to sign the Declaration in Support of the Holy See.

Drafted by Professor Robert George of Princeton and William Saunders of Americans United For Life, the Declaration first gathered more than 4,000 group signatures more than a decade ago when these campaigns first began.

The signers of the Declaration included the largest Protestant and even the largest Muslim groups in the world. The document is for all men and women of goodwill who understand the vital role the Holy See plays at the UN.

We have reopened the Declaration for groups to sign and for the very first time, we have opened it for individuals to sign.

I urge you in the strongest possible terms to read the Declaration in Support of the Holy See at www.defendtheholysee.org and sign it.

I further urge you begin your own campaign to get people and groups to sign. Run campaigns in your town and in your country. We must inundate our opponents with support for the Holy See, the only constant defender of life at the UN.

We will present the signatories to the Holy See in New York, Geneva and Rome sometime at the end of this year.

We will also present the signatories to the UN. We will let “Catholics” for Choice know that we are stronger, far stronger than they are, and all those who want to impose child-killing on the world.


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